Sound & Projections designer

Nathan Davis

The Penelopiad

By: Margaret Atwood

Directed By: David Haugen

If you want to see more of my work, browse my Portfolio.

Copyright 2013-2018. Nathan Davis. All Rights Reserved. 

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In a daring response to Homer’s The Odyssey, Penelope recounts her life’s story and the murder of her 12 handmaidens by her vengeful husband, Odysseus. Atwood’s acerbic wit brings one of history’s most powerful myths to the contemporary imagination with a provocative new look at a woman’s longing, lust and culpability.

The content for this show was about 95% new work—meaning very little was purchased stock footage / imagery.

This involved heavy videography work including:
​•On location videography
•Computer Generated Imagery
•Extensive CGI renderings​

Click below to see some examples of my design for the show!